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Introduction: Launching TCM

Hey Peeps! It has been a minute, a long minute since I wrote my last blog. My goal was to upkeep my blog, but life got in the way of that and I got behind. I want to give you a little update about what I have been up to and share some exciting news with you all that I believe will help you in life. First, let me start by saying I moved back to the DFW area to pursue a master’s in Theological Studies. What I thought would be an easy journey to say the least was not. I was in for a rude awakening and that awakening would come quickly. I thought going to Seminary would bring me closer to God, but the "works" I thought would glorify God only brought me further from Him through distractions which I will share later in a future blog.

Nonetheless, I am still in school and scheduled to graduate in May 2021. More recent news, I am the mother of a new TEENAGER!!!! My son turned 13 years old on July 25th. I am still in disbelief and processing this new stage of life, but I am ready and prepared to handle it. Yes, I can use your prayers. LOL. Are you ready for the exciting news? I am relaunching my blog and starting a new podcast and GUESS WITH WHO… a teenager, MY TEENAGER *screams*!!!

Hosting a podcast is something I always dreamed of, but I was scared. I feared failure, but I am happy to say I am attempting to overcome that fear by moving forward with faith. With me being in a new stage of life, I figured starting a podcast surrounding parenting a teenager would not only help me but help others who are trying to navigate this stage of life with their teen or teen to come. If you do not know, I am a single mom and my son is Christopher Zyyon. I am truly grateful for him and I thank the Lord daily for trusting me with him. Most times, I do not understand why He (God) trusted me to bore and care for him, but He did, and I have a responsibility to raise him right (biblically) before the Lord. As we attempt to navigate this journey of life together, I ask that you join us. I am not coming into this stage of “Miss know of it all” but as a student. We will discuss real-life issues and questions every parent faces regularly or will face. I will give my perspective and Chris will respond from a teens’ perspective. We hope to glorify God through this platform and bring clarity to those who need a little guidance. We will periodically have a guest on our show to help bring different perspectives and viewpoints. I will maintain my blog with pressing topics and follow it up with a podcast. I am excited to start this new journey and hope that you will journey along with us as we travel through this new stage of life. Every chance we get, we will take questions from our audience so please submit your areas of concern at and we will attempt to answer then accordingly and in the order, they come in. I am excited to share this with you all and I hope you will support us.


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